The Bank wanted to get a clearer picture about the drivers shaping customer’s habits of ATM usage. They looked for an answer to shed some light on the real potential ATM automats hold and the factors that determine the patterns in terms of their usage and traffic.
The bank wanted to better understand ATM usage patterns. On one hand the bank was looking for an answer regarding the real ATM usage potential, on the other hand about the customer traffic and ATM usage patterns. For 80% of the analysed ATMs, we proposed new location where, due to the assumed potential, the expected revenue growth would yield the cost of the ATM relocation within one year.
The client asked the following questions about the catchment area and performance of the ATMs:
In the context of customer movement and ATM usage, we examined the following issues:
In parallel with answering the above questions, the main goal of the project was to identify ATMs that might be worth relocating to a position with greater potential. We had to do this along two criteria:
a) the relocation should take place to a site where the full cost of the relocation will be recovered within one year by exploiting the expected greater potential;
b) the relocation should take place to a location that has the same catchment area as the old ATM location, thus minimizing the number of customers that can be lost.
We were able to offer at least five new locations in the given catchment area for 80% of the analysed ATMs, where – based on the assumed potential – the expected revenue growth due to the increase in the number of transactions will yield the cost of relocation of the ATMs within one year.
Assuming that the relocation of an ATM costs on average HUF 1-1.5 million, this means an annual increase in revenue of at least HUF 1-1.5 million per ATM.
It is important that the proposed better locationscan already be approached with a possible contract offer (institutions, offices, shops, public buildings, workplaces, etc.)
The results were presented in the form of a map-based, interactive dashboard, which will be an excellent tool for analyzing the location of the bank’s own and thos eof the competitors’ ATM networks in the future, as well as for locating new, promising ATMs.